Skincare Simplified for Busy Moms- What a Dermatologist Suggests

Skincare Simplified for Busy Moms- What a Dermatologist Suggests

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No mom has time for 10-step Korean skin care and even if you do, there’s no need. In this episode, I speak to Dermatologist Dr. Ankita Sangwan who busts popular skin care myths, suggests one skincare product that everyone should have, tells the basic skincare steps and so much more. This episode will change your skincare game so there’s no way you should miss this. Hit ‘Play’ now!

skincare simplified for busy moms


What we discuss in this episode-

-When to start skincare

-Acne in teenage

-Adult acne

-One must have skincare product

-the actual skincare routine you need to follow

And a lot more. This is just the first part. Part 2 of this episode will have more insights and specific tips for different skin types. Don’t miss.

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