So, Your Girl Likes Pink? Gender Neutral and Equal Parenting Simplified

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Do you think that it’s wrong if your girl likes pink and boy likes blue? Do you think that equal parenting is not for SAHMs? Your bubble will burst in this hilarious chat full of simple ideas. There is some inside info for bloggers too. I chat with Shubhreet Kaur who practices modern parenting and is a well known blogger.
What’s in the episode-
– What is gender neutral parenting and what it’s not
– How to raise gender neutral kids
– Equal Parenting and how to do it
– Being More than a mom
– Simple ways to find me-time
– How to prepare your first child for the second one
-The best advice Shubhreet got and how it changed her life
– How collaborations with brands work for bloggers
– Fun rapid fire
In the episode 7 of Little Fixes Podcast, Shubhreet clarifies that gender neutral parenting is way bigger than just reversing the colour codes. It’s about not forcing any gender related ideas on your kids; a girl not liking pink is not gender-neutral. In a perfectly gender-neutral world, stereotypes are neither reinforced nor are they reversed forcefully. We should let the child take the lead on her or his choices.
Similarly, equal-parenting doesn’t mean 50-50 distribution of parenting responsibilities; it’s about quality of time each of the parents spend with the kid and the duties they attend to.
We also talk about how Shubhreet’s life changed after she followed a friend’s parenting advice. You have to listen to that part. Towards the end of the episode, we also discuss blogging-scene in India and how collaborations work. There’s also a super fun rapid fire round which will have you in splits.
This episode is spicy and real. Listen and send your feedback to
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