Representation in Children’s Literature- Gender, Race and More with Pratha Shetty

Representation in Children’s Literature- Gender, Race and More with Pratha Shetty

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Did you know that gender parity will not be achieved for another century? Can you believe that in children’s literature there are more books about trucks than about female protagonists? Even though Children’s Literature has a lot to offer now in terms of equal representation, there’s a long way to go. I discuss this, my experiences and some simple yet effective solutions with Pratha Shetty in this episode. Pratha is the author of a children’s colouring book- When I Grow Up. In this book, kids can colour the pictures of notable women from around the world. This not only tells them about inspiring women but also sensitizes them towards different races. Tune in to our talk to find out what kind of inputs to give to our kids so that they are more accepting and aware.


Representation in Children's Literature- Gender, Race and More with Pratha Shetty

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