How to Grow a Blog in the Age of Captions

How to Grow a Blog in the Age of Captions

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Do you love to write? A blog can be a great platform to put your thoughts out there but most of us get stuck thinking that blogging space is saturated and blogs are a thing of the past. Did you know that you own your blog but not your social media followers? Every space is always saturated which also means that there is always scope for more.

In this episode Vaishali Sudan Sharma, Founder of The Champa Tree Blog talks about how she started and scaled her blog. She also shares her secrets of getting traffic. Tune in to get motivation and ideas about what it takes to start and grow a blog.

How to Grow a Blog in the Age of Captions

By the way, do you want to start a podcast or want to take your awesome podcast to the next level? Join Podcast Goals community of Facebook which is India’s first women-only podcaster community. I along with fellow podcaster Divya Kapoor have created it to support every woman podcaster by providing resources and guidance.

We want you to feel confident and ready to be the fabulous woman you are meant to be while rocking it at podcasting.

Join us to make podcasting more fun and simple for yourself-

Connect with Vaishali Sudan Sharma

The Champatree Blog

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