Easy Ideas for Sustainable Living and Raising Eco-Conscious Kids

Easy Ideas for Sustainable Living and Raising Eco-Conscious Kids

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Do you know how long it takes for biodegradable wipes to degrade? Or even the simplest things like vegetable peels become non-biodegradable when mixed with plastic waste? With ever increasing load on earth, how safe is our kids’ future? How can we make kids conscious about their environment without being preachy? Why and how should you make your periods eco-friendly?

Anita Goyal, a ‘sustainable-mother’ shares some very simple ideas, we can follow towards making our lifestyles sustainable. Such changes are very slow so start right now with little things. Click ‘Play’ to find out how.

Raising Eco Conscious Kids

What we discuss in this episode-

-Simple lifestyle changes for sustainability

-How to raise eco-conscious kids

-Is biodegradable stuff really eco-friendly?

-Sustainable menstruation

Tune in now. Send an email to littlefixespodcast@gmail.com if you want to be a guest on the podcast or have feedback.

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