Tag: Indian Mom Blog

Just 5 Minutes a Day for a Happier You

Just 5 Minutes a Day for a Happier You

Listen on Spotify Listen on Google Podcasts Listen on Headfone Listen on Stitcher Listen on Podbean   Just 5 Minutes a Day for a Happier You Self-love or self-care is a lot more than a trip to a spa and you need just 5 minutes everyday to start discovering it. 

10 Mommy Bloggers from India with Valuable Content (Not Necessarily Numbers)

10 Mommy Bloggers from India with Valuable Content (Not Necessarily Numbers)

The number of Mommy Bloggers is multiplying quickly and we are getting to see a lot of variety in content. Some focus on pictures, some on caption while some try to create a balance. As a Mom Blogger myself, I analyse not just mine but 

I’m OK with Not Being Perfect

I’m OK with Not Being Perfect

Every person is different and that’s what makes them unique and actually perfect in themselves. The concept of perfection has become so flawed and yet so rampant that many of us have started comparing ourselves to everyone on social media. There are many aspects of 

How I Discovered Self Love by Shaking Things Off

How I Discovered Self Love by Shaking Things Off

Shake it off, shake it off… Self Love is our first and last love & this song ‘Shake It Off’ by my favourite Taylor Swift speaks my mind. I never fitted in the standards that our society has set for being ‘beautiful’. Being dusky with 

Unscented, Thick and Biodegradable- Mother Sparsh Baby Water Wipes Are the Best

Unscented, Thick and Biodegradable- Mother Sparsh Baby Water Wipes Are the Best

The first thing that got me interested in Mother Sparsh Baby Wipes was the ‘99% Pure Water’ claim. I mean what can be gentler! I have been using baby wipes since Idhaya was born and have tried many brands. Some worked fine while others failed. 

The Best Toys and Books Renting Subscription in India, Rentoys Review

The Best Toys and Books Renting Subscription in India, Rentoys Review

I decided to write regularly but again got stuck. Now, I am breaking my hiatus from blogging with something I and especially Idhaya enjoyed a lot. It’s a toys and books renting service that delivers all over India- Rentoys. As much as I like to 

It’s OK to Not Be a Yummy Mummy

It’s OK to Not Be a Yummy Mummy

There are so many ways to categorize moms but the most coveted tag is that of a Yummy Mummy. It simply means a mother who is attractive and stylish. The tag looks harmless and it indeed is until and unless there is a pressure on 

I Love My Husband More than My Daughter

I Love My Husband More than My Daughter

So finally, I get to say it! For starters, I don’t have to worry about him falling from the bed (or maybe I have to :P). On our wedding anniversaries, I write letters to my husband which are basically all the good things that he 

9 Learnings of A One Year Old Mom

9 Learnings of A One Year Old Mom

Seriously, I am not into learning things I don’t want to but somehow mommyhood has managed to teach me few needed and many not needed lessons. Some are of the life-skill variety and others are just there because I had no idea what motherhood comprises 

3 Reasons Why I Don’t Want to be A Mom Once Again

3 Reasons Why I Don’t Want to be A Mom Once Again

I can give you hundreds of reasons for not wanting to have another baby but I don’t have time to write that much because the baby will nap for just 30 minutes. Even before my blog happened, I used to think that if I write