How I Made Best Friends in My 30s Despite Having Social Anxiety- Maitri’s Fixes

Making friends has been difficult for me as I am not someone who initiates conversations or even makes her presence felt in social interactions. I fear that I will do or say something to embarrass myself. I am also not good at keeping in touch because I fear that the other person might be occupied and my call or message will annoy them.
Even though I have had acquaintances and casual friends, I always longed for deep friendship. The type of friendship where you can talk about anything without being judged and get some advice too maybe. It took me a while to find such friends and the first step was to reduce my inhibitions.
In this episode, I talk about
-my experiences with friendships
-break-up with a friend of 22 years
-finding best friends in my 30s
-what I have learnt about friendships so far.
After listening to this short episode, you will understand that you can make great buddies at any point in your life if you are open.
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