Is Your To-Do List Overwhelming You? Here’s How to be More Productive- Shailaja V

I have a never-ending to-do list. Managing clients’ work as a social media marketer while taking care of my daughter and my home is already a lot and then I need to workout, need to relax and need to make time for loved ones. Even thinking about all this makes me anxious. Many of you must be in a similar situation so in this episode, I have Content Strategist and Productivity Coach Shailaja V helping you in being more productive. She believes that being productive starts with being mindful of your situation. In the episode, she suggests simple steps that you can take to stay on top of your to-do list without feeling overwhelmed. For her productivity is about harmony not balance; tune in to find out what this means and how you can transform your days.
Books and Podcast recommended by Shailaja V
Joyful Productivity by George kao
Best of Both Worlds Podcast
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