How to Stop Holding Yourself Back & Start Believing in Your Abilities- Self Worth with Benaisha Kharas

How many times have you told yourself that you aren’t good enough? That you are not worthy of love and the life you desire? It’s very easy to think less of ourselves especially for women. We attach our worth to our accomplishments and don’t appreciate the person we are. Without self-worth, it’s impossible to lead a fulfilled life. The good news is that you can work on your self-worth and do everything you want. In this episode, Integrative Counsellor & Image Consultant Benaisha Kharas gives you 5 simple action steps to improve your self worth. She also talks about where low self-worth comes from. Tune in to go from scarcity to abundance with self-compassion and be the heroine of your life.
Books mentioned in the episode-
Who Says You Can’t? You Do- Daniel Chidiac
Think and grow rich- Napoleon Hill
The power of now- Eckharat Tolle
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