A Very Filmy Love Story and How This Couple is Helping Marriages

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They met in a club then at a small bar then at a lounge and finally decided to get married. If this isn’t film-y enough, listen in to find out what happened next.
This is the story of Akshay and Siddhi who run a first of its kind Indian community for married couples- That Husband Stuff. In the episode full of fun banter, they also talk about why and how they started this community and how it can help you.
What We Discuss in This Episode-
-How this beautiful couple met in Hollywood style
-How they convinced their families for their marriage
-Discoveries about each other after marriage
-Their quirks (very funny)
-About their community- That Husband Stuff
-How they are helping Indian marriages
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Connect with Akshay and Siddhi on That Husband Stuff