Your Small Business Needs THIS to Grow ft. Ruche M Mittal, Founder of HEN (Her Entrepreneurial Network)

Your Small Business Needs THIS to Grow ft. Ruche M Mittal, Founder of HEN (Her Entrepreneurial Network)

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Today, I am speaking with Ruche M Mittal, the founder of HEN (Her Entrepreneurial Network). Ruche started her career as a freelance graphic designer but her interest in building authentic connections as business women led her to found HEN in 2011.

We’ll talk about all things small business, successes, mistakes, community and so much more. It’s like a business coaching class. So join us.

Each episode takes many hours of work from researching to recording to editing and finally making it go live. It costs money too but it’s available to you free of cost so please support us if you like our work- follow the podcast, rate it, review it and share with people who need it.

Ruche M Mittal HEN founder interview

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