Manifestation, Neuroscience and a Simple Way to Manifest Your Desires ft. Aligned Manifestation Coach Sanaya Chaturvedi

Manifestation is a much discussed topic but I still haven’t been able to wrap my head around it. You can even call me a sceptic so when manifestation coach Sanaya Chaturvedi reached out to me and suggested talking about neuroscience and manifestation, I jumped at the opportunity. I am sure many of your burning questions will be answered and confusions will be cleared in this episode.
My guest Sanaya Chaturvedi is an aligned manifestation coach and the visionary behind India’s first manifestation brand, Manifest My Dreams. She will explain-
-why manifestation is scientific
-it’s connection with neuroscience
-is law of attraction real
-how to make affirmations work
-an easy way to manifest what you want
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