We Are Misusing the Term ‘Trauma’- Let’s Understand Trauma Response, Childhood Trauma, Parenting, Society and Our Feelings

Trigger Warning- The episode contains references to sexual abuse, substance abuse, violence and fire. Please use your discretion before listening.
Every time I open Instagram these days, the word ‘trauma’ comes in front of me at least once. Many inconveniences are termed as traumatising and a host of responses are termed as trauma responses. We need to understand that not every distress is trauma and not every response is a trauma response.
I have Shini Sahni with me who is a mental well-being and mental fitness coach. She has worked as a psychotherapist for over 17 years. Shini is the founder of Nu-Re Wellness which focuses on preventive mental healthcare.
She will tell us-
-What trauma is and what it’s not
-How overusing the term impacts the society negatively
-What is childhood trauma
-How to recognize trauma in kids
-Why we shouldn’t worry unnecessarily about traumatising our kids
-What are some better ways of describing feelings which are not trauma
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