Perimenopause- How to Support Your Body in Your 30s and 40s- Dr. Esha Chainani

Today we are talking about our physical health and the topic is Perimenopause. Perimenopause- I heard the word for the first time on the Netflix show Workin’ Moms in 2022 at the age of 36 years. I googled it then and understood a bit.
We might have heard and joked about mood swings, hot flashes and more but not many of us understand this phase of our lives. Perimenopause mostly starts in late 40s or early 50s but in some women it begins in late 30s too. Because most of us are in our 30s, I thought that it’s an essential Women’s Health topic to discuss on Little Fixes. Perimenopause can last for a few months or for a few years depending on your body. Due to a lot of hormonal changes, it’s essential that we learn about it and prepare our body to deal with this phase.
To discuss Perimenopause, I have Dr. Esha Chainani with me. Dr. Esha Chainani is a Non-judgemental Gynaecologist making health, reproductive education and sex-ed easily accessible through her platform Premaa health. She practices at Surya hospital in Mumbai.
She will tell us-
- What’s Perimenopause
- Do we need to see a doctor for it
- How to deal with changes in our body
- How to support our body for our health
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