Why Am I A Reluctant Mom?

So here are few words that will give you many ideas about my #momlife. I was never too keen on having kids or at least biological kids. I got married to a very nice man and we decided to have kids after 2-3 years of marriage. But me being me, I simply was not ready to bring a life in this world and so 6 years went by.
My husband was like- please, let’s have a baby so finally I decided to grant his wish. We got pregnant soon after and those 9 months were so difficult for me. Not just physically but also mentally as I was not really interested. I was working as a Social Media Manager and Content Writer then but took a break to focus on myself.
Anyway, the baby arrived in March 2017 and as expected, I was not overwhelmed with joy and all those motherly feelings. My only solace was that it was a girl. I took the best care of her but still mostly because I had to. I loved her but didn’t feel much of a connection. There was the need to get my identity back so I joined my job back (work from home) by the time she turned 3 months old.
As Baby I started growing, it became increasingly difficult to manage things. It was also the time when I started bonding with her rather than thinking of her just as a responsibility. So, I finally quit in December 2017.
Now all my time is hers and I get a maximum of 2 hours to myself and that time comes with a long to-do list. Not giving much importance to the chores, I mostly focus on relaxing during this me-time. I read, watch movies and shows & browse the world wide web to unwind.
At the same time, there are so many thoughts in my head and also lurking is the feeling that my life is drastically changed. I miss the pre-baby days. I have been through a lot of much stress post baby. There is so much more that I will keep sharing. The Reluctant Mom18 is my way of venting as I don’t like to write on paper anymore (perils of the previous job).
Watch out for a lot more which will be about my ideas of parenting, my weird thoughts, life of a regular Indian mom, baby stuff et al.
Hey TRM18…welcome back!
Thank you
Didn’t get the star wars robot reference though :-p
I am really happy you back with something so awesome!
Wish to meet baby I soon when she turns 1..
We want to meet you too 🙂
Star wars has a robot called r2t2 and trm18 is kind of like that.