Tag: Thoughts of a New Mom

I’m OK with Not Being Perfect

I’m OK with Not Being Perfect

Every person is different and that’s what makes them unique and actually perfect in themselves. The concept of perfection has become so flawed and yet so rampant that many of us have started comparing ourselves to everyone on social media. There are many aspects of 

I Love My Husband More than My Daughter

I Love My Husband More than My Daughter

So finally, I get to say it! For starters, I don’t have to worry about him falling from the bed (or maybe I have to :P). On our wedding anniversaries, I write letters to my husband which are basically all the good things that he 

9 Learnings of A One Year Old Mom

9 Learnings of A One Year Old Mom

Seriously, I am not into learning things I don’t want to but somehow mommyhood has managed to teach me few needed and many not needed lessons. Some are of the life-skill variety and others are just there because I had no idea what motherhood comprises 

3 Reasons Why I Don’t Want to be A Mom Once Again

3 Reasons Why I Don’t Want to be A Mom Once Again

I can give you hundreds of reasons for not wanting to have another baby but I don’t have time to write that much because the baby will nap for just 30 minutes. Even before my blog happened, I used to think that if I write 

5 Things I Don’t Want My Daughter to Learn

5 Things I Don’t Want My Daughter to Learn

In my last post, I shared 5 Things I Want My Daughter to Learn. Obviously, there have to be things that I don’t want her to learn and actually there are plenty. Still, like the last post, I just want to share a few gender-neutral 

5 Big Little Things I Want My Daughter to Learn

5 Big Little Things I Want My Daughter to Learn

My little baby girl will be 1 in a few days. She will move on to toddlerhood and will create more challenges for me and her Papa. The absolute innocence of being a baby will give way to an awareness which will still be pure 

How I Dealt with Motherhood as a Reluctant Mom?

How I Dealt with Motherhood as a Reluctant Mom?

Motherhood feels different to every mom. To me it felt like a tempest. If you have read my last post or the, you must be aware why. I wasn’t forced to be a mom but it wasn’t my first choice either. Dealing with pregnancy was